Clifford “Kip” Mickelson

April 7, 1955 - August 9, 2014

Service: Service- 2:00 p.m. Saturday, August 16, 2014 Grand Valley Lutheran Church, rural Canton

Topeka, KS.  Clifford “Kip” Mickelson died on August 9th, 2014 in Topeka, KS, as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident.  His memorial service will held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, August 16, 2014 at Grand Valley Lutheran Church south of Canton.

Kip was born in Canton SD April 7, 1955 to Naomi and Vernon Mickelson. Kip grew up on the farmlands of Canton and graduated from Canton high school in 1973. Kip graduated from Concordia University of Moorhead Minnesota with a degree in music and religion. Kip’s love for music lead him to the First Baptist Church of Rapid City where he was the minister of music for several years. He then went on to pursue a M. Div from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated in 2000. Kip then went on to pastor several churches of the ABC-USA. He was currently senior pastor of Westside Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas.

Kip was proceeded in death by grandparents Hilma and Albert Mickelson, and parents Naomi and Vernon Mickelson.

He is survived by his children Kate (Victor Albarran) and Luke (Tessa) Mickelson, grandson Leo Mickelson, his sister Christie (Mickelson) Donaldson, many nieces and nephews, childhood friend Jerome Holter, and close friend Pam (Anderson) Meier, and many other friends throughout the country and the world.

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25 messages have been left

  1. Jantina Donaldson on August 12, 2014 said:

    Thinking and praying for all of you during this time.

  2. Rev Betty Johnson on August 12, 2014 said:

    Kip was a great encouragement to me when I was pastoring in the Nebraska area. His love for Jesus and his love for others was such a blessing. His light shone brightly, and it will continue to shine in the lives of those he touched so profoundly in ministry and beyond. Kip cared. Be assured he is now in the grandstands of glory cheering us on.

    With warm thoughts and prayers,
    Rev. Betty Johnson

  3. Larry Dean on August 12, 2014 said:

    I traveled the USA and South Pacific with Kip. I will miss the voice and kind spirit of my Fellow Worker. “Almighty Father, Grant us a vision of a dying world that needs your love and care….”
    We will pray for his family and friends.

  4. deb Strand on August 12, 2014 said:

    In this time of your loss, I lift you up in prayer.
    I pray that in your sorrow, you’ll find God’s presence there.
    You have my deepest sympathies.

  5. Joe Patrick on August 12, 2014 said:

    Kip was a dear friend that meant a lot to many of us at New Life Baptist Church in Bellevue, NE. The impact that he had on the lives of the congregation is still felt today. Though I lost touch with Kip some years ago, I’ll never forget his friendship, his encouragement, and his guidance. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss, as well as my profound gratitude for sharing Kip with me for a brief time.

    With love,
    Joe Patrick
    Bellevue, NE

  6. Mark Lewis on August 13, 2014 said:

    I was so sad in hearing about the passing of Kip. He was a good friend and I will miss him greatly. Gosh I’d love to hear an Ole and Lena joke right now. Kip had a bunch of them. I plan on watching the tape Of Kip and the last concert he gave at First Baptist in Rapid City. I kept that tape all these years and now I’m glad I did. I’ll watch it and remember our great friend we all lost. The world is a little bit lesser of a place without him.

  7. Ruth McFarland for Palmer Seminary of Eastern University on August 13, 2014 said:

    Friends, on behalf of Dr. Robert Duffett, president of Eastern University, and Dr. Edwin Aponte, dean of Palmer Seminary, please accept our sincere sympathy on the passing of your pastor and our beloved alum, Kip Mickelson. May you know the presence of God in a very real way as you grieve this great loss.
    On a personal note, Kip and I graduated from the Seminary (formerly Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary) at the same time. As the registrar of the Seminary at that time, I enjoyed his wonderful spirit, his love for music (directing the Seminary Singers), his beautiful voice, and his joy for life.
    With love and prayers for the family, Ruth E. McFarland, Alumni/ae Relations, Palmer Seminary.

  8. Kevin Marik on August 13, 2014 said:

    My deepest sympathy
    I glad we were able to work together in ministry
    Neighbors United will miss you but your legacy will always carry on
    Thanks for being a friend

  9. Rod Rhead on August 13, 2014 said:

    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of a classmate from the Class of 1973. RIP and God bless his family.

  10. Brice Smith on August 13, 2014 said:

    My family and I have been so blessed to have had Pastor Kip as our pastor for the last three years. Prayers to Luke and Kate and the rest of the family and to his many friends. My family will remember all the good times we had and the great memories that we have made together. I’ll miss you my friend.

  11. Phyllis Porter on August 14, 2014 said:

    Kip was truly a “Man of God”! He was senior Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Omaha, NE where he taught us all to reach out and love “even the least of these”. Kate and Luke, I am sure you knew he loved you and the new grandson , Leo, and he was always talking about how proud he was of you. God gave him a magnificent gift of music and heaven has gained a truly humble servant. May God wrap his loving arms around all of you as you mourn this loss.

  12. Jason & Christine Ferrell on August 14, 2014 said:

    I am thankful that God shared you with us Pastor! My family is sad about your passing but understand that our Father has called you home. Thank you for the ministry you shared with our family and the love you brought to our lives.

  13. Karla Musick on August 14, 2014 said:

    Kip was my friend and pastor at First Baptist Church in Omaha, NE
    .I can still hear him saying “Mercy!” when anything surprised him, interested him or confounded him .His musical and creative talents were incredible, but he was modest. He was such a great teacher -always related Christ’s teaching to today’s world. I plan to sing in heaven’s choir with Kip. Mercy!!

  14. Linda Dawson on August 14, 2014 said:

    Pastor Kip Mickelson delivered my mother’s funeral service four days before his horrible car crash. My mother was 91 and was such a special person. Kip called her a “classy woman.” He visited her three times at my sister’s home while she was in the last stages of death. She suffered horribly, but I know his presence was so uplifting to her. Mom had her funeral planned out. She was Swedish (West Side Baptist Church used to be all Swedish in the early 1900’s), and had picked out a Swedish song. This pastor took it upon himself to find someone who really knew the exact Swedish accent and he sang a stanza just for Mom. My sister and I both sobbed when we heard him. We had my mother’s service in a mausoleum– the smallest chapel — picture this: white granite everywhere, narrow and cozy, yet high ceilings with amazing acoustics. We gasped within ourselves when we heard his beautiful voice. It was almost ethereal. My sister, brother, and I left there saying, “Mom is beaming right now!” His message, including each of our stories about our mom, was beautifully executed by him. Wow, what a talent! We are grieving so for the death of this man even though we hardly knew him! He just moved our souls in such a profound way. We are just devastated at his passing (and it surely didn’t help being so close after or mother’s) and are looking forward to the memorial that West Side will have in Topeka. I don’t know if that little church (used to be big — but due to demographics and loss of the Swedes — getting so small) can ever recover. Please say a prayer for the congregation of the church.

  15. Janice on August 14, 2014 said:

    Oh Kip, what an impact you had on so many in such a short life time, what a legacy! My most memorable moment, the beautiful wedding you performed for Jeremy and Kate and the message delivered at that time. The memorable Bible studies on Wednesday nights, the ‘old’ Baptist camps songs that you were so willing to learn the ‘rest’ of the verses to, rocking the piano to some good old gospel music and the wonderful stories of your children…you were so proud of them! My prayers offered up to Kate & Luke, their families, Christie and family and all other family and friends.

  16. Finney Kuruvilla on August 14, 2014 said:

    Ah Kip, my friend. I am shocked to find this news, but so many great, great memories of a man who was selfless in his giving to others. Also a man with intense experience with God and who brought his many struggles to the Lord in close communion. I remember that his kind soul loved people even when love was not returned, and he did not like to make commitments he could not keep. And to Kip: I will always fondly miss our time my friend at the old location of Palmer Seminary. Until we meet again on the brighter side,.. rest well from your labors.

  17. Audrey Brown on August 15, 2014 said:

    To the family, sorry for your loss, I know how painful the loss of a love one can be, I also lost a love one in death. What brought me great comfort was knowing that God hates death, He views death as an enemy 1Corinthians 15:26 says: “He will bring the enemy death to nothing” John 5:28,29 says: “All those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out” May friends and love ones provide you support and comfort during your time of sorrow, and may the scriptures provide you a hope and a promise to help ease some of the pain. Knowing we will see our love ones again should give all of us a hope.

  18. Nannette Wandrey (Kip's cousin) on August 15, 2014 said:

    Kip delivered a sermon he entitled “Think and Keep On” which he delivered in Omaha NE 3-6-11. Kip said in this sermon “Death does not have the last word, Jesus does.” he also spoke of leaving a legacy of positivity, in hopes that we all could see and show that fourth in our lives. Kip has left us his legacy, through his music, and great teachings, as a man of God and good works, and of his following of Jesus. He now sings with a heavenly celestial choir thru eternal life. Well done cousin! Rest now in Jesus arms.

  19. Becky Lindeman on August 15, 2014 said:

    Kip was a good friend, and our dogs seemed to be best friends. I would always look for Kip and Max when I walked my dog because the dogs always seemed to be so happy to see each other. We often laughed at the way our dogs interacted, it seemed if one of them smelled something the other was soon to follow. I will miss him terribly as will many others he befriended in his neighborhood. My prayers are with his family. May God’s strength see you through this time of mourning.

  20. Colleen Sariscsany on August 16, 2014 said:

    The loss of Pastor Kip was so shocking. We knew him at First Baptist of Omaha. My family loved him and felt such a connection to him. We are very sad and pray for all those surrounding him, his family, his present church. My favorite parts of his sermons were when he told tales about his boyhood in South Dakota and his family and friend there and the Swedish heritage of his grandparents.

  21. Gene Fougner on August 16, 2014 said:

    Though we weren’t in touch for many years, the Fellow Workers were notified of Kip’s death. 8 of us from Concordia College outreach teams traveled the South Pacific and the U.S. for 2 years full time before graduating from Concordia. I will always remember Kip’s genuine curiosity and persistence. He taught me that to care was to ask questions, to help another face up to something…not just to ignore it and pass by. His voice was exceptional and it drew people. Kip and Laurel had a beautiful blend when singing together and I’ll never forget the impact they had on people emotionally and spiritually. The first time I met Kip was in an East Complex dorm room at Concordia organizing an informal male vocal quartet….stunning sounds for a Montana kid like me. Even amidst strict values all around him, Kip always found the freedom and courage to dare, to reach out and to express himself…and could even be a bit “edgy”. He was a brother in many ways. God bless his families and memory.

  22. Sam & LaReign Munsch on August 16, 2014 said:

    Our many thoughts & prayers are with you at this difficult time, may God be with you. We are from First Baptist Church in Rapid City, and your Dad was the most wonderful pianist & singer, he will always hold a special place in our hearts.

  23. Sam & LaReign Munsch on August 16, 2014 said:

    Our thoughts & prayers are with the family at this most difficult time, may you feel God’s presence. We know your Dad from First Baptist Church in Rapid City, and were always blessed by his music, he will always have a place in our heart

  24. Jim Espeland on August 18, 2014 said:

    I am very saddened to hear of Kip’s passing. Although I lost contact with Kip after high school, I was not surprised that he became a pastor. In school he was always kind and thoughtful and such a good friend. May his children and Christie be at peace knowing the good that he did in this world, and the joy he is having right now. He is now singing with the angels.

  25. Paul and Patricia Barber on August 25, 2014 said:

    To Kate and Luke and your families,
    Such sadness to learn of the death of your precious dad – he was such a special person, giving so much of himself to others all the time. He blessed us throughout his time at First Baptist in Rapid City, and being able to watch you two young people grow up in the church was especially meaningful to us, too. Our mother, Amy Barber, so enjoyed so many of the senior outings that Kip took the Rapid City First Baptist Seniors on…and we all loved your dad’s music…so much talent! We will be keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time ahead. We are certain that the heavenly choirs are welcoming your dad home – and just think of the joy he is having as he renews the friendships of so many who have also gone on before. Truly he has the Heavenly choir tuning up and ready to sing the most beautiful music that he is writing once again!
    With our love and prayers,
    Pat and Paul Barber, Holly & Eric and families.